Solving Crimes with Cat Hair and Other Curious Qualities!


June 05, 2024

Balinese cat curled up in a basket.
Cats are known for their illustrious qualities, but now you can add fighting crime to their achievements! We’re exploring the intriguing features of cat fur.

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cat fur,


When Is Cat Shedding Season?


April 18, 2024

 Longhaired cat sitting on a lap.
From fur in your sock drawer to sitting in your morning coffee, cat shedding season is here! Learn more about why cats shed and find expert tips for grooming.

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cat fur,


6 Grooming Tips For A Happy Cat


March 14, 2024

 Fluffy cat being groomed.
As any lover of cats knows, our feline friends have some truly impeccable grooming habits. In fact, cats spend a significant portion of their day doing very little else! All the same,...

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